Winter, when the rest of the garden needs a little less attention, is a good time to check the lawn and get it into shape.
In spite of winter’s arrival, in all but the coldest climates the lawn will still be growing. Feeding now will keep it in good health and ensure it maintains a better colour through the colder weather. Thrive Granular Lawn Food will produce a quick growth response. Dynamic Lifter Lawn Food is made from composted chicken manure. It will feed the lawn gently and, at the same time, promote beneficial bacteria in the soil.
For an even faster growth response, apply fertiliser in a liquid form. One of the simplest and best methods is to mix Thrive All Purpose soluble into a watering can and water over the grass. Thrive’s also available as a liquid concentrate.
A few weeks after feeding, sprinkle some Yates Garden Lime over the lawn. Most grasses prefer a sweet soil and the lime will counteract any acidity. If in doubt, take some soil to a garden centre and ask to have its pH checked. If this is much below 6 on the pH scale, the lime will make a marked improvement in growing conditions
Thicken worn patches by oversowing with a fast-germinating lawn seed. Yates Lush Sun’n’ Shade is a blend of fine fescue and fine rye, both cool season grasses. Use a rake to soften the surface and sprinkle a small amount of sandy soil or potting mix onto the bare patches. Sow the seed, rake to cover lightly and keep moist.
Broad-leafed weeds flourish during winter. Clover, dandelions (pictured), Onehunga weed, lawn daisies, cudweed and oxalis are all taking advantage of the cooler conditions. Hose-on Weed ‘n’ Feed is an easy control option. Weed ‘n’ Feed removes broad-leafed weeds and promotes grass to growth.
Cool, moist winter conditions encourage moss to flourish in lawns. Yates Surrender removes moss from lawns and hard surfaces such as roofs and paving. Surrender works best during warm conditions but will give some control in winter. Don’t forget, too, that more sunlight and better soil aeration (spike lawn with a garden fork) will discourage moss.